"The quickest and easiest way to know if someone likes you is if they laugh at your jokes"
Think about it. That annoying guy at work, when he cracks a joke do you laugh? That guy you have no interest in that keeps hitting on you, do you laugh at his jokes? That narcissistic woman who you feel disdain for and is full of herself, do you laugh at her little cracks?
Oh sure we can fake a chuckle when the boss makes a joke however it's obviously not sincere. And guess what? Others can see your fake chuckle.
So if you want to know whether your client likes you? How easily is it for them to laugh at your witty remarks?
What are the best kind jokes and witty remarks to make? Yep, self deprecating jokes are the safest kind to make. Being able to laugh at yourself is actually a display of self confidence (as long as you do it sparingly). Over due it and you might lose respect.
If you and the other person can share a good laugh together then you can be comfortable knowing that they like you! It's just that easy!
When we laugb we release the hormone oxytocin into our body. Oxytocin if the feel good hormore that leads to bonding. Mothers and babies are flooded with oxytocin at birth which causes them to bond. A good hug release oxytocin and so does laughing. Oxytocin lowers our resistance to others and causes us to trust others.
Just seeing others smile and laugh releases oxytocin. So......
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