Tuesday, February 16, 2016

You know how when you hear an idea so damn good that it knocks your socks off...

Well I'm going to share a brilliant  idea that takes only a few minutes to create and will give you all of these benefits...

1)  Create a dynamite elevator speech

2)  Define your brand

3)  Overcome objections

4)  The perfect response to:   what do you (or your company) do?

5)  Develop a repeatable message that defines your dramatic difference.

6)  Get that job you want

And as a result you will feel confident telling a compelling story that will grow your business and influence with others.  Plus if you are a business owner or manager you can teach it to your employees and turn everyone into a powerful spokesperson for the company.

Here is the magic formula.   (Ok it's not magic, it is based on psychology but it works like magic)

You know how (insert name) when_______________________and then______________________.


And the result is_________________________________because___________________________.

Now let's have some fun and see how it works...

1.   Kyle has an office supply business...

"So you know how Lori when you need some new office equipment and then you just don't have the time to do extensive research to find out what is the best product available at the best possible price?

Well, we do that for you.    We identify the ideal equipment for the job,  search for the best possible price, deliver it to your door and install it.

The result is...you save time and money because we do the work for you"

P.S.   This technique is just as effective with a product as it is a service.

2.  JP is applying for a job where other applicants have more qualifications than him...

"So you know how Dan when you hire someone with the best qualifications and then they meet but never exceed your  expectations?

Well, I am the kind of person who loves to learn,  find ways to get the  job done quicker and be constantly  looking for ways to save money doing it.

The result is my potential exceeds my qualifications because I am constantly curious"

P.S.   Imagine if you were an employer and you saw this on a covering letter or heard it in a job interview?   I know it would knock my socks off.

3.   And of course I use it myself...

"So you know Rob when you hire a motivational speaker and they get everyone cranked up and excited and then a month later it wears off and everyone goes back to doing what they've always done?

Well I do more than that!     I  get people excited about some fun and easy ways to become 'powerfully persuasive'.  My techniques are based on the latest cutting edge research in psychology that have been proven to work.

The result is; sales go up, communication skills are dramatically improved and the effect is long lasting because they see immediate results and have fun doing it.

Why this technique is so powerful...

1.   It creates a short story.  It's in our DNA to be drawn in by stories.   Long before humans developed written language we learned through stories.   Stories stir the imagination and lower resistance to ideas.

2.  By inserting the name of the  person you are trying to persuade it become personal to them.

3.  Adding a 'because' at the end is a proven psychology technique that makes your short story more believable.  'Because' followed by a reason tells the other person that they are worthy of an explanation.

4.  It is short and concise.    We like that.

Soooo....you know how when you hear or read about a great idea and say to yourself,  'I'm going to try that'  and then you procrastinate and forget about it.

Well I don't want you to waste a great opportunity so why not pick up your pen right now and try it.  Because it works like magic!

P.S.  If you like this half as much as me, do me a favor and hit the f button below and share it with  your facebook friends because it will make me very happy.    And feel free to leave a comment, thanks!