"You only get one chance to make a killer first impression"
Science tells us that first impressions...
* are made within seconds (or even less)
* are very hard to change
* can be changed with the right techniques and time
Good News.....science can also teach us how make a 'killer first impression'
We are programmed to judge a book by its cover. Think back to the cave man times. If you saw someone approaching, you had to make a split second decision; friend or foe? If you saw the high grass moving you had to decide is it the wind or some animal that wants to make me it's next appetizer? We evolved to make quick decisions because out life depended on it.
Think back to the first time you met the people in your life. What was your first impression of them? Were your impressions accurate? You, me and everyone else place an astounding amount of value on first impressions. Unless you like doing things the hard and difficult way, it just makes sense to put some time and effort into making a 'killer first impression'.
Making a strong first impression is easy if you follow these tested and proven suggestions...
1. Appearance
Whether we like it or not, looks matter a lot. We see someone enter a room and we immediately judge; status, wealth, health, intelligence and whether we think that person might be a friend or foe. We've said yes or no to ourselves mentally before that person even says a word.
I can't give specific recommendations as to how you should dress other than this.....
* dress to the image you want to project. If want to be perceived as a financial adviser, dress that way. If you want to be perceived as bad ass biker guy, load up on the tattoo's, chains and leathers.
* your appearance includes your vehicle, your office, your briefcase and even your accessories.
* your body language also projects an image. Do you walk tall and proud like someone of great importance, aggressively like a WWF wrestler or do you look at your feet and avoid eye contact like someone without confidence. You are projecting an image!
2. Encourage them to talk
The best way to do that is to let them talk twice as much as you. Encourage them to open up with good open ended questions. The best 2 words to get someone talking is.....'tell me'. Tell me why you use that product. Tell why you've had good success with ______? Tell me how you got into this business? Tell me what you like to do for fun?
People like to talk about 2 things; themselves and the things they like and never ever interrupt them!
3. Eye contact
Try to maintain eye contact about 80% of the time when they are talking and 60% of the time when you are talking. Here is why....
*You appear more confident and trustworthy
*You appear more personable and intelligent
* You appear more engaged with them
* It makes the conversation seem more intimate
Pssst......just don't carried away with too much eye contact or you will appear to be a psycho!
4. Introduce yourself like James Bond (sort of)
Can you remember how he introduced himself? He would confidently be the first to extend a hand, look them square in the eye and say.....Bond, James Bond.
I would like you to do something similar only start with the first name as in......James, James Bond. The reason for this is that you say your first name two times. This greatly increase the chances that someone will remember it. Plus, the quicker you get to using each others first names the quicker you will lower resistance and get them comfortable with you.
5. Remember their names
I will be the first to admit that I'm not that great at remembering names. However, I am getting better because I keep working on it. Here are some tips..
* repeat back their name as soon as they tell you it. As in..It's a pleasure meeting you John.
* use it again as soon as practical to cement it in
* ask for business cards
* associate their name with something silly. If John was tall and black hair, I would think 'Long John Black Hair'
6. It pays to be passionate
Passionate people grab our attention and engage us. We love to hear from people who are passionate about life or whatever they are talking about. So go ahead and get excited because that excitement tends to knock our socks off and makes a killer first impression.
Be expressive. Those who gesture and modulate their voice tone and volume are deemed to be more intelligent and believable. Being expressive is how we convey passion.
Remember this....people may be interested in what you do however if you are passionate about why you do it, that is what motivates them to want what you want.
7. Sell in the sunshine
What is the point in trying to make a big impression when you or your client are having a bad day. Too much negative energy to accomplish anything. However, I am at my best when something good has already happened. And when your client has had some good news, they are more likely to be open to your killer first impression.
Also, I beautiful sunny day is the perfect day to make a connection or make a pitch. So....sell in the sunshine.